Merry Christmas from Us!

Lara DeHavenLocal Church, Mike Goins Real Estate

Merry Christmas from us!

Now we are in the mad dash before Christmas Day. It is only 5 days away! Regardless if you wait until the last minute to buy presents or you have had every gift wrapped and under your tree for weeks, Christmas Day always seems to sneak up on you. Before more time slipped away, we wanted to take this time to send you a Christmas card via this blog—a little Merry Christmas from us!

Additionally, we wanted to invite you to Christmas Eve service at Lakeside Bible Church. They are holding two services. The first begins at 5:00 p.m. The last service starts at 7:00 p.m. The theme of the evening services is “A Savior is Born.” We hope to see you there.

We also thought you might enjoy hearing this Christmas song, “Prince of Peace.” It is not a traditional one, and is more obscure by Celtic Worship, which is why we wanted to share it with you. Perhaps you can add it to your Christmas playlist. Not only does the singer have a beautiful voice seasoned with a Scottish accent but the words of the song are full of meaning.

May the chorus describe your heart this Christmas season! “Prince of Peace rule over me. Prince of Peace reign.” This is our Christmas wish for you. Merry Christmas from us!