September 2022 Newsletter

Lara DeHavenNews, Newsletter, Statistics

September 2022 Newsletter

The September Newsletter is hot off the press! Check out the September 2022 Newsletter in order to see the latest market news.  Find out the health of real estate around Lake Conroe, Lake Houston, and Houston County Lake. Also, see my Featured Listing. It is a beautiful, better-than-new home at 251 Scarlet Maple Way. You can also check out my article exploring its main selling points here.

In addition, watch Carlos Oscar describe how his mother-in-law decided to teach his daughter Spanish by having them watch HBO Latino. His impressions of different actors are on point. As he goes through the standard languages taught in secondary schools across the nation, no language is safe. In addition to these laughs, read encouraging words and much more.

If you missed last month’s one, it is not too late. Click here for the August Newsletter . Then you can really compare the market between August and September.

Beyond the September 2022 Newsletter, let me know if you have any real estate needs. Regardless if you are looking to sell or buy, we can discuss your options. Additionally, you can always search listings on Lake Conroe Homes, but I am here to help too. Contact me directly at 936-444-5929. I would love to serve you.