Snow fell late Monday night and through the wee hours of Tuesday morning. Although it is not an annual occurrence, it is not the first time for snow in Montgomery County. We do experience snow every so often. Today let’s test your knowledge with Snow Trivia for the Lake Conroe area.
Most Recorded Snow
When did the most snow fall and how much snow fell? Well, none of us were alive. The most recorded snow on record occurred on February 14, 1895, with 20 inches. Can you imagine?
2nd Highest Record Snow
Just to show what an anomaly the winter of 1895 was, the 2nd highest recorded snowfall for Montgomery County occurred on February 13, 1960, with 10 inches.
What year did this winter storm come and why did it warrant the title, “Snowpocalypse“? You most likely experienced this storm as it came in 2021. From February 13-17, it enveloped all of Texas in snow and/or ice plus extended freezing temperatures, which caused major power outages. Texas officially lost 246 people because of the storm while some reports count over 700 people. Additionally, it caused $195 Billion of damage in Texas alone making it the costliest natural disaster in one day.
Earliest Snowfall
The earliest snowfall with accumulation for Montgomery County was December 5th with 7.1 inches of snow. While flurries have fallen as early as November 13, 2018, they melted upon impact.
Is every snowflake unique? Yes—this is the short answer. According to How Stuff Works, “Physics and weather conditions determine snowflake shape and size. Math determines that those flakes are unique.” Read more of the details on their site. So as you looked outside Tuesday morning, every single one of those snowflakes was unique. If that doesn’t make you want to praise God, the Creator of all, I don’t know what will.
Color of Snow
What color is snow? You might be surprised to find out that it is not white. Snow is actually clear and colorless. It looks white because of total internal reflection. Essentially this means that the snow reflects all the colors of light, which to our eyes looks white. Very interesting!
I hope you learned something about Montgomery County with the Snow Trivia today. Did you notice the connection between our highest snowfalls and winter storms? They all happened at the same time of year, around Valentine’s Day. So this last snow was relatively early in the season. Maybe this won’t be our only snowfall this year? Again, maybe it is. You never know with Texas weather.