Spiritual Growth in 2025

Lara DeHavenHomeowner Tips, Montgomery County

Spiritual Growth in 2025

So far this monthds, we have looked at common resolutions that people make at the beginning of each year. We’ve explored methods to save money. We’ve looked at strategies to keep a home clean throughout the year. Today we are going to explore approaches for spiritual growth in 2025.

Why is it important?

Your relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important in anyone’s life. It determines where you will spend eternity. It shapes your worldview and affects your other relationships—to your spouse, to your parents, to your friends, to your enemies, to your boss, to food, to money, and much more. If you want to be a better steward of your money, grow spiritually. If you want a better marriage, grow spiritually. This one relationship transforms lives by the renewing of one’s mind (Romans 12:2).

Read the Bible

You cannot learn who Jesus is or who you are in Him without reading the Bible. Even if you listen to Christian podcasts and sermons, you must discern what is true by comparing what they say to scripture. People are fallible; the Bible is not. So, the only way to do that is to read the Bible. There are tons of Bible reading plans available. Here is an example from Navigators. If you prefer to listen, the Bible.is app offers many resoures, including audio Bibles in many languages.

Of course, you can grow in your Christian faith without reading the entire Bible in one year. Go through one of the gospels at your own pace savoring the life and words of Christ. My personal favorite is the gospel according to John. Spend some time in Psalms, a book of poetry filled with rich, theological truth, praise, and lament. The point is to be in the Word of God on a daily basis.

Memorize Scripture

“I have treasured Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11). Committing passages from the Bible to memory is one of the strategies for spritual growth. I recommend choosing passages to help you in areas you recognize that you need to grow. For example, if you struggle with anxiety, there are many passages from which to choose. Philippians 4:6-7 comes to mind. It says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

If you don’t know where to start, check out Fighter Verses. Its an app that suggests specific scriptures and a great tool for memorizing them. Hopefully, you can see how memorization will help you lean on the truth of God’s word throughout the day. 


God speaks to us through His word, the Bible. We speak to Him through prayer. Therefore, prayer is essential to spiritual growth. We cannot have a good relationship with anyone without some method of communication. You can pray at any time and anywhere. It doesn’t have to be formal. Find what works best for you. You can always start by praising the Lord for who He is and/or what He has done. Thank Him for your many blessings. Pray for others, pray for our nation and leaders, pray for yourself, and pray to grow spiritually. I know He would love that request. Be honest with God because He already knows everything. Prayer is the way that we build a personal relationship with Him.

Go to Church

Go to church. Being part of the body of Christ is another key to spiritual growth. Make sure that it is a church that believes in the inerrancy of the Bible and teaches it regardless of what it says. Attend church, find ways to serve, and build relationships with other Christians. This will also help you grow in your faith. If you are in the Lake Conroe area and looking for a church family, I personally invite you to come to Lakeside Bible Church.

If you are already reading the Bible, memorizing scripture, praying, and going to church, then you will recognize that you still need to grow spiritually. In this life, we never arrive. We will never reach perfection so this should not be our goal. We also cannot earn our way into God’s favor. So, checking these approaches off a list is also not the goal. Growing in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding as God conforms us more and more into the image of His Son so that we can glorify Him is the ultimate goal of spiritual growth. If you are seeking spiritual growth in 2025, I pray that the Lord is gracious to you and blesses your efforts.