As we enter our holiday season, many people begin to look for ways to serve others. Since Thanksgiving is a day that we meditate on our blessings, you often realizes how fortunate you are. Serving is a way to bring joy to others. 2020 has been an especially hard year for most people emotionally, financially, mentally, and physically. However, there are many Thanksgiving service opportunities available in Montgomery County and surrounding areas that enable you to serve others.
Montgomery County Food Bank:
There are always ways to serve alongside the Montgomery County Food Bank as they provide meals for needy families year round. However, there are particular ways one can serve during this Thanksgiving holiday. There are actually three main ways to get involved: donate food, sponsor meals, or deliver.
On their website, you can get a list of needed food. You can either create your own food drive and collect donations or you can purchase items yourself and bring them to the food bank. Secondly if you don’t have time for buying or collecting food, then you can send a monetary donation online to sponsor meals. The third option involves signing up to volunteer to deliver meals on Thanksgiving Day. To read more about these options and/or to sign up, click here.
City Wide Club of America:
Further south in Houston, TX at the George R. Brown Convention Center, volunteers are needed to pass out 60 pound baskets of food to needy families. Because of Coronavirus, this will be a grab-and-go event. Still families will receive a turkey, baked goods, and non-perishable food. To sign up, click here. They will be distributing food from 5:30 a.m. to 5:oo p.m. in approximately two hour shifts. This is a great opportunity to serve as a family for a relatively short time and then go enjoy your own Thanksgiving dinner.
There are other ways to volunteer this Thanksgiving in the Houston area. Check out this article to learn more. Organizations like Meals on Wheels, Operation Turkey, and Kid’s Meals are featured in it.
Every year there are needs, but this year needs have increased because of Coronavirus. As needs have increased, so has our need to be grateful, which is the spirit of the holiday. Gratefulness in action describes service. Thanksgiving service opportunities offer a great way to get in the action. I love what W. T. Purkiser said, (It’s) “not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”