Do you like trivia? I do because you get to see how much you know about a subject and learn from the ones you get wrong. So today in honor of Veterans Day let’s see how much you know.
What distinguishes Veterans Day from Memorial Day?
Both holidays honor those who served in the United States Armed Forces. However, veterans day celebrates those who served in the past whether they are alive or deceased. Memorial Day honors those who died serving our country.
By the way, Armed Forces Day honors those who are currently serving the USA. Differences distinguish the different days even though they all seek to honor soldiers, sailors, and Marines.
What day of the week is Veterans Day recognized?
This is not Thanksgiving in that it is always recognized on the fourth Thursday of November. Instead Veterans Day is always celebrated November 11th regardless of the day of the week. However that being said, holiday office closures may shift to either Monday or Friday, but the official day is always date-based.
Which U.S. President made Veterans Day a federal holiday?
In 1954, Dwight D. Eisenhower changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day. Armistice Day was the day World War I came to an end in 1918.
To use an apostrophe or not?
Is it Happy Veteran’s Day? Or Happy Veterans Day? If you are observant as you read this article, then you would guess correctly. Omit the apostrophe. Instead it is the plural of veteran as we celebrate all veterans.
Do veterans have to have served in a war to be honored on this day?
No, it doesn’t matter if a veteran fought in trenches, in jungles, or in the desert or if they never left American soil. We celebrate all who served.
Do other nations also celebrate on this day?
Because the original holiday on November 11th was Armistice Day and many nations fought in World War I, the answer is yes. Some do even if the name is slightly different.
So how did you do with these Veterans Day trivia questions. If you want to experience any of the celebrations or events in the Lake Conroe area today, click here to see what is available. Once again, Happy Veterans Day!