Majestic birds. Regal creatures. National symbol. These phrases describe the bald eagle. In 1782, Congress adopted the National Seal with a bald eagle prominently displayed on it. Since then, the bald eagle has been a symbol of America. Not only is the bird of prey indigenous to North America but it also represents strength, courage, and freedom. The bald eagle also calls Lake Conroe home.
According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, bald eagles require tall trees and close proximity to a water source. The trees act as places to perch and nest. Their nests can be as wide as ten feet in diameter and weigh up to half a ton. Therefore, massive trees like those found in the Sam Houston National Forest are a requirement for their habitat. Additionally, bald eagles’ diet consists mainly of fish; therefore, a water source like Lake Conroe is a desirable place. With the right conditions, these large birds can live up to 25 years in the wild.
Protected Birds
The bald eagle population in the United States is stable and growing. Unfortunately that was not always the case. In 1940, Congress passed the Bald Eagle Protection Act, which prohibits the killing, possessing, or selling of the birds. Despite the act, their population continued to decline mainly due to DDT, a pesticide. By 1978, our National symbol was placed on the endangered species list. Even though their population has bounced back and they are no longer on the list, bald eagles are protected birds. As such, you can be fined $100,000, sentenced to one year in prison, or both for harming them.
Currently, local game wardens are investigating a claim that someone shot and killed a bald eagle on Lake Conroe. According to The Courier, this is not the first time this has happened. So don’t be shocked if you see a bald eagle or two in the Lake Conroe area. Admire their beauty. Observe their amazing fishing skills. Leave them alone.
Bald eagles call Lake Conroe home and laws protect them. It is only one of many species that live near or on the lake. Have you had the pleasure of seeing one?